BDB is a comprehensive end-to-end platform that addresses all four facets of contemporary data analytics. It seamlessly installs on
any cloud or on-premises infrastructure and efficiently connects with diverse databases, functioning as a cost-effective data lake solution.

BDB is a comprehensive end-to-end platform that addresses all four facets of contemporary data analytics. It seamlessly installs on any cloud or on-premises infrastructure and efficiently connects with diverse databases, functioning as a cost-effective data lake solution.

BDB Saas Platform

Get a rapid entry into analytics, featuring multisite, multitenant deployment on the leading cloud provider,
ensuring robust security measures.

Business Intelligence

This includes Sandbox, Data Preparation module, Data Virtualisation and self service reports with feature of ML in Browser

Business Intelligence

This package is ideal for:

  • Individuals - Whether you're an individual or a group putting data on the cloud for learning, data analysis, consulting, etc., this package allows you to swiftly create visualizations and implement machine learning.
  • Educational Institutions - Schools, colleges, universities, and training institutes offering practical training in data analysis with visualization can benefit. Educational institutions have the flexibility to generate multiple logins and distribute them among various students, effectively managing their costs.
  • Businesses Exploring BDB - Companies currently on another platform but interested in trying BDB can start with this package. The one-month trial is cost-effective almost comparable to a meal in a nice restaurant. Move your departmental data to the cloud, generate reports, and implement user-based security, enabling small companies to transition to the cloud effortlessly.

To seamlessly integrate your desktop and local data into the BDB platform, leverage the Sandbox or choose from the array of connectors available within the platform. Employ the Data Preparation tools to efficiently clean and refine your data. Establish a robust Data Store, often referred to as the BDB Cube, to organize and optimize your data for analysis. Within a matter of minutes, visualize your refined data using the platform's intuitive features.

  •  Please refer to the diagram in left to understand the complete flow.
  •  Explore the comprehensive functionality of various tools available in this package by clicking on the provided links.

Data Visualization Segment

  •  Sandbox - Easily upload your Excel or .csv files. Each item in the File Storage has a helpful tooltip.
  •  Data Preparation - Cleanse your data effortlessly with Auto Preparation and a multitude of transformations.
  •  Data Set and Data Store - Convert your refined data into a Cube, ready to be utilized in the self-service reports.
  •  Self Service Reports - Intuitively create visualizations with a user-friendly tool using simple drag-and-drop or English-based queries.
  •  Machine Learning in Browser - Avail unsupervised Machine Learning under BDB Reports as a part of this package and get saved from running algorithms on GPUs for small datasets.
  •  NLP based Search in Reports - Easily find relevant information within your dataset using Natural Language Processing-based search in self-service reports.

Data Visualization Segment

Data Sandbox

  • Establishes a dedicated space for meticulous data exposure, ideal for data science experiments.
  • Allows manual addition of data or integration through pipelines.
  • Provides guidance for accessing the Data Preparation workspace specific to the chosen Data Sandbox file.
  • Enables users to swiftly create and store Views using the widget visualizer and consume them as APIs.
  • Offers a convenient Delete option on the Widget page, allowing users to remove both regular and saved Widgets.
  • Users have the ability to name Datastores for better organization.
  • Facilitates the reuploading of Sandbox files as needed, enhancing flexibility and management.

Data Preparation

Identify and eliminate anomalous records effortlessly, along with purging unwanted datasets using smart Machine-Learning techniques and sampling. Apply modifications to datasets and export analysis-ready data with just a few clicks.

Streamlined Access to Data Preparation:

Seamlessly unlock the Data Preparation feature through two convenient pathways:

  • Access from the Data Set List Page
  • Access from the Data Sandbox List Page

Whether you're refining datasets or optimizing data for peak performance, our user-friendly interface puts essential tools at your fingertips.

Ensure your data is consistently prepared and ready for action with our intuitive access options.

Data Set and Data Store

  • Rapidly obtain well-organized data in a specific format, ideal for straightforward analysis.
  • Share datasets with teammates while maintaining control over access permissions.
  • Utilize Git to support different versions of the data, enabling a detailed review of each version.
  • Seamlessly integrate data into the Data Preparation step for further refinement.
  • Easily visualize the data in a more comprehensible manner using the Widget Visualizer.

Self-Service Report

  • Exclusively Designed for user-friendly and efficient data storytelling.
  • Empowers business users to create engaging data stories without requiring technical expertise.
  • Boasts an intuitive interface and a diverse set of features for easy navigation.
  • Facilitates the creation of visually appealing and informative stories.
  • Enables effective communication of insights to others.

Machine Learning in Browser

  • Avail BDB platform's machine learning capabilities for swift data predictions inside the Reports module.
  • Enhance decision-making speed with efficient inbuild machine learning options.
  • Easily detect anomalies, build a timeseries, and use segmentation in your data with a simple click.
  • Modernize the process of identifying unusual or irregular patterns in your data.
Cloud Agnostic & Hybrid Deployment

NLP-based Search in Reports:

  • Utilize responsive search that interprets human languages through computational linguistics.
  • Analyzes data to provide appropriate outcomes based on natural language processing.
  • Enhances data discovery speed with auto-suggestions for more efficient navigation.
  • Accelerates the entire process of constructing a visualization report through intuitive Views built in seconds.
Cloud Agnostic & Hybrid Deployment

Data Flow Diagram

Business Intelligence
  • Connect your data: Acquiring data from various sources, such as databases or CSV/Excel files.
  • Data Transformation: Modifying and cleaning data using built-in transformation to make it suitable for analysis.
  • Self-Service Report: Enabling end-users to create their reports and visualizations without technical assistance.

BDB Deployment Stack

Business Intelligence
  • Central Control Panel: BDB SaaS provides a comprehensive central control panel encompassing administration, user security, data pipelines, connectors, data science tools, and self-service reporting and dashboards.
  • Exclusive Tenant Space: Every tenant receives a dedicated and secure space to develop and oversee the data pipelines, ETL jobs, and Data Science models.
  • DataMart Choices: Opt for a shared secure database in the shared DataMart or opt for your private DataMart for increased access and control over your data.

Data Engineering

This include Jobs, Data Pipeline module, Notebooks and seamless API Integration

Business Intelligence

This Package Is Suitable for

  • Educational Institutions - Schools, Colleges, Universities, Training Institutes giving practical training on Data Engineering with Data Pipelines, Data Wrangling and Data Visualization. Here Institutes can create a few logins and share them with different students to optimize their costs. Data Engineering is one of the coveted jobs of 21st Century
  • SMEs- Unlike other D&A platforms, BDBs Data Engineering is brilliant offering with a clear-cut budget in mind. Not only it offers great savings but gives complete flexibility to your developers to create Pipelines.

Ingest data (real time, Batch, Micro batch) from your multiple sources of data, enrich it, transform it (via Python code or Data Preparation tool of BDB), push this data into any data lake of your choice or BDB Data stores and Visualise the data in Self Service Reports or Governed Dashboards.

  • Please refer to the diagram in left to understand the complete flow.
  • There are multiple other tools that can be accessed in this package, apart from the Business Intelligence ones
  • please click on links to understand their functionality. Details can be found in

Documentation Page

  • Customers can start with a Dev Tenant and choose to take a production tenant once they are ready
  • Enterprises - Large corporates can create a Dev Env and try BDB. They can later create QA/Production env on their private cloud

Data Visualization Segment

BDB Data Pipeline

A data pipeline is a structured series of real-time operations that transport, modify, and manage data from diverse sources to a specific destination. This orchestrated real-time data flow is vital for organizations to harness their data effectively, making it accessible and actionable. A well-constructed data pipeline ensures real-time data is collected, cleaned, transformed, and loaded consistently and efficiently, laying the foundation for reliable analytics and decision-making.


Spark jobs process data using the Spark framework, extracting data from various sources, transforming it to the desired format, and loading the modified data into a target system or data warehouse.

  • Managing extensive data processing, including big data analytics and machine learning.
  • Offering automation through scheduling.
  • Supporting inter-job triggering.
  • Facilitating the creation of PySpark and Python jobs.

Synthetic Data Generator

  • A Synthetic Data Generator is a cutting-edge component available in data pipeline to produce the essential logical data needed for a variety of purposes, including use case development, model testing, and performance testing. This innovative component creates realistic datasets that mirror real-world scenarios.
  • Whether you're fine-tuning your models, testing performance under different conditions, or crafting use cases for diverse scenarios, our Synthetic Data Generator empowers you to navigate the data landscape with precision and efficiency.

Data Catalog

  • The Data Catalog feature in the BDB Platform's Data Center allows efficient data asset management with tags and data stewardship, saving time.
  • Additionally, users easily share dashboards, reports, and more, fostering collaboration and informed decision-making.
  • BDB supports Data lineage, which allows users to track the origin and history of data as it moves through the platform, making it easier to manage and understand big data.
Custom Integration and Extensibility

Dashboard Designer

  • Our Designer module is an all-encompassing tool crafted for building user-friendly yet powerful dashboards.
  • It features ready-made charts designed for easy comprehension by business users, while also accommodating intricate custom scripting for more specialized needs.
  • This module delivers top-notch visualizations and rapid real-time updates, ensuring users receive accurate insights promptly.
Custom Integration and Extensibility

Data as an API

  • Data as API means making data available through easy-to-use interfaces called APIs.
  • These APIs let different systems, apps, or developers interact smoothly with data.
  • This way, data providers can offer structured data that external parties can use programmatically.
  • Data as API changes how we share data by putting data and its functions into clear API frameworks
  • This lets me work with data using standard API methods, without needing to worry about where or how it's stored.
Pipeline Process Monitoring

Data Flow Diagram

Business Intelligence
  • Real-time or Batch data connection: Establishing connections to data sources for either immediate (real-time) or periodic (batch) data transfer.
  • Data transformation and custom transformation: Performing standard and specialized data transformations to fit specific requirements.
  • DataMart Creation: Building focused subsets of data warehouses tailored to specific business areas or centralised data warehouse / data lake.
  • Self-Service Report: Facilitating report generation for non-technical users, possibly with more complex data integrations compared to BI analysts.

BDB Deployment Stack

Business Intelligence
  • Central Control Panel:BDB SaaS provides a comprehensive central control panel encompassing administration, user security, data pipelines, connectors, data science tools, and self-service reporting and dashboards.
  • Exclusive Tenant Space:Every tenant receives a dedicated and secure space to develop and oversee the data pipelines, ETL jobs, and Data Science models.
  • DataMart Choices: Opt for a shared secure database in the shared DataMart or opt for your private DataMart for increased access and control over your data.

Data Science (AI/ML)

This include AutoML, utilities, projects, MLOps, and computer vision capabilities.
(All Features except GenAI Comes into this Package)

Business Intelligence

This Package Is Suitable for

  • Educational Institutions - Schools, Colleges, Universities, Training Institutes giving practical training as Data Science COE with complete Analytics flow is most sought-after Courses. Institutions can create accounts and use it objectively to train many students in basic Data Science package itself.
  • SMEs- Unlike other D&A platforms, BDBs Data Science is a brilliant offering with a clear-cut budget in mind. Not only it offers great savings but gives complete flexibility to your developers to create Analytics. Customers can

Ingest data (real time, Batch, Micro batch) from your multiple sources of data, enrich it, transform it (via Python code or Data Preparation tool of BDB), pass it through Multiple Models & push this data into any data lake of your choice or BDB Data stores and Visualise the data in Self Service Reports or Governed Dashboards. One can use Auto ML or library of Algorithms to build and deploy their models quickly in the platform.

  • Please refer to the diagram in left to understand the complete flow.
  • In this module, one can access all Data Science related tool apart from the Data Engineering Package. This module has all the features of BDB Platform
  • please click on links to understand their functionality. Details can be found in
  • Documentation Page
  • DS Lab
    • Auto ML - Migrate your legacy data to cloud platforms
    • Explainability - Important feature for Data Scientist to understand model outputs
  • Model as API - Create models and use them as APIs.
  • start with a Dev Tenant and choose to add a QA & production tenant once they are ready. You are always in Control of Costs. There are simply no Surprises
  • Enterprises -Large corporates can create a Dev Env and try BDB. They can later create QA/Production env on their private cloud if they want. Please see all options in BDB offerings

Data Visualization Segment


  • As a Data Scientist, your focus is on extracting valuable insights and predictions from complex and large datasets.
  • Proficient in statistical analysis, machine learning, and programming, you employ advanced algorithms to uncover patterns and trends.
  • Your role involves cleaning and preparing data for analysis, creating and training predictive models, and communicating findings to stakeholders.
  • With a combination of analytical skills and domain expertise, you play a key role in guiding data-driven decision-making within the organization.
Business Intelligence

Auto ML

  • AutoML (Automated Machine Learning) refers to the automated process of building and optimizing machine learning models without extensive manual intervention.
  • It leverages intelligent algorithms and techniques to automate tasks such as data preprocessing, feature selection, model selection, hyperparameter tuning, and model evaluation.
  • AutoML aims to simplify and accelerate the model development process, enabling users with limited machine learning expertise to create effective models efficiently.
  • The Auto ML tab allows the users to create data science experiments and lists them.


The View Explanation option will redirect the user to the below given options. Let us see all of them one by one explained as separate topics.

  • Navigate to the Models tab using the View Report option for a completed Experiment.
  • The top 3 models appear after comparing them against almost 30 models.
  • Select a model from the list.
  • Click the View Explanation option.
Business Intelligence

Model as API

The user can publish a DSL model as an API using the Model tab. Only the published models get this option.

  • Filter the model list by using the Registered filter option.
  • Select a model from the list.
  • Click the Register as API option.

Data Flow Diagram

Business Intelligence
  • Real-time or Batch data connection: Like data engineers, but with an emphasis on data types relevant to predictive modelling and analytics.
  • Data transformation and custom transformation: In-depth data pre-processing, including feature engineering for predictive models.
  • Model training and deployment: Developing and deploying machine learning models based on the transformed data.​
  • DataMart Creation: Creating specialized DataMart’s for advanced analytical purposes.​
  • Self-Service Report: Developing self-service report that incorporate predictive analytics and data science insights.

BDB Deployment Stack

Business Intelligence
  • Central Control Panel: BDB SaaS provides a comprehensive central control panel encompassing administration, user security, data pipelines, connectors, data science tools, and self-service reporting and dashboards.
  • Exclusive Tenant Space: Every tenant receives a dedicated and secure space to develop and oversee the data pipelines, ETL jobs, and Data Science models.
  • DataMart Choices:Opt for a shared secure database in the shared DataMart or opt for your private DataMart for increased access and control over your data.

Generative AI (LLMs - SLMs)

Enable LLMs with Assist across all modules, featuring a user-friendly chat interface.

Business Intelligence

This Package Is Suitable for

  • Educational Institutions - Schools, Colleges, Universities, Training Institutes giving practical training as Data Science COE with complete Analytics flow is most sought-after Courses. Institutions can create accounts and use it objectively to train many students in basic Data Science package itself.
  • SMEs- Unlike other D&A platforms, BDBs Data Science is a brilliant offering with a clear-cut budget in mind. Not only it offers great savings but gives complete flexibility to your developers to create Analytics. Customers can start with a Dev Tenant and choose to add a QA & production tenant once they are ready. You are always in Control of Costs. There are simply no Surprises
  • Enterprises-Large corporates can create a Dev Env and try BDB. They can later create QA/Production env on their private cloud if they want. Please see all options in BDB offerings

Assist has been developed and given inside BDB platform to help developers create contents in a fast manner. This package has End to End Platform features (Data Science Package) therefore it allocates higher no of Cores already.

  • Business problem - Identify the business problem to be solved and the associated business value
  • Use-cases - Do the use-cases demand GenAI solutions (content creation, personalization, summarization, code automation)
  • Data - Does the business have enough data/quality data and, more importantly, data stored in the right format, to be able to generate insights or any other useful information using GenAI
  • Infrastructure - Is the business ready to invest in the infrastructure associated with leveraging or deploying LLMs
  • Confidential data - How strict are the data policies? Closed-source LLMs give much better results, with no setup time but data privacy can be a concern. Open-source models will need lead time, may need to be finetuned, and will incur more cost but data privacy will not be a concern.
  • Type of data - Structured, semi-structured, unstructured. GenAI will provide maximum benefit on unstructured and semi-structured data. For, structured data, traditional ML techniques along with required augmentation with GenAI will be useful.
  • Pre-trained vs Finetuning LLMs - A thorough cost-benefit analysis must be done to define whether finetuning LLM is required for the business problem at hand, due to the associated high cost
  • Available standard solutions - if standard rule-based techniques exist that will give high accuracy for the problem at hand - that should be the first option (subject to licensing costs). If not, then based on multiple above factors, GenAI solution should be opted for.

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