BDB Preparation List of Features 8.5

by Avin Jain

Published: 2023

BDB Preparation List of Features 8.5

#BDB #Datapreparation tool is available in #Datapipeline #Datascience Lab and in #datacenter (Datavirtualisation module) to help in Data Cleanup and Enrichment and Preparation for #dataengineer #datascientist & #dataanalyst

Please refer to the following video on updates in 8.5 At Very high level, we have added 100's of Transforms along with Auto Preparation feature which suggests key changes as soon as it reads the data. I personally feel this will be critical in the days to come with #llms deeper integration. All partners are requested to use this tool as much as possible and avoid code writing where ever the work can be accomplish by this tool.

 BDB Preparation List of Features 8.5

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