BDB Milestones

  •   Vertical Success:
  • -> K12 Education: Partnered with 20 new schools.​
    -> University: Achieved 100% revenue growth.​​
    -> Telecom: Implemented journey analytics in 10 countries.​​
    -> European Expansion: Secured two European customers for BSS and OSS integration.​​
    -> Retail: Gained one customer each in the US and India.​​
    -> Media and Entertainment: Partnered with a US-based public company.​​
    -> BFSI: Collaborated with companies in the UK and the Middle East.​​​
    -> Oil & Gas: Established a partnership in India with a system integrator.​​​
    -> Analytics: Added three new partners in India.​​​​
  •   Adoption and Training:
  • ​​ -> 10 companies adopted BDB's skills.​
    -> Over 100 engineers have received training.​​​
    -> BDB developed exceptional training materials in two verticals.​​​
  •   Competitive Edge:​​​
  • -> Developed 12 Proof of Concepts (POCs) and signed 9 contracts.​​
    -> Gained contracts through partner-based solutions.​​​
    -> Successfully competed against industry leaders, including Microsoft (Azure), SAS, SI Sense, SAP, AWS, Google, Qlikview, and Tableau.​​​​
  •   Global Reach:​​​
  • ​​​ -> Signed contracts in 5 continents across 8 different verticals.​​​
    -> BDB's customer base now exceeds 150+ clients.​​​​
  •   Competition Status of BDB:
  • ​​​ -> BDB developed 12 POCs & signed 9 Contracts out of them​​​​
    -> BDB got rest of the contracts from Partners based Solutions ​​
    -> BDB has successfully won against who’s who in BI segment​ ​​
    - Microsoft (Azure), SAS, SI Sense, SAP, Google, Qlikview, Thoughtspot, Tableau -> Signed Contracts in 5 Continents in 8 different verticals thereby taking total customer base in the range of 150+​​ ​​
2023 (October)
BDB Release 8.5 ​
  • Data Pipeline ​​
      - UI Enhancements to manage workflows better​​
      - Data Preparation Enhancements​
        - 100+ new Transforms​​​
        - Introduction to Auto Prep for quick Data Prep​​
      - Data Engineer workflows added in Notebook​​
      - Introduction of Alerts in Pipeline​
      - Introduction of Synthetic Data Generator ​
  • ​Data Science​
    1. - Added Forecasting in Auto ML​​​
      - Enhanced Data Science Lab with more Models​
      - UI Enhancement for Developers as well as Data Scientists​
      - Enhanced Explainability Charts​​
  • Reports and Dashboards ​​
    1. - Addition of new charts like Knowledge Graph​​
      - Templates for Reports to give comprehensive look​
      - Themes in Reports to enhance UI to next level​
      - Introduction to Machine Learning in Reports for business user​
2023 (March)
BDB Release 8.0
  • Introduction of Jobs in Data Pipeline ​
      - Monitoring, Audit, Test Automation enhancements​
      - UI Enhancements
      - Data Preparation Enhancements 
  • ​CI/CD for Continuous Development​
  • ​Flux CD based deployment​
  • Multi Tenancy Implemented for Yujaa and for customers​
  • Data Science Lab Enhancements​
    1. - Auto ML Enhancements​
      - Explainability​
      - AI Services - Computer Vision, NLP introduced​
  • Reports and Dashboards ​​
    1. - Addition of new charts like Sankey​​​
      - Support of Reports on PostgreSQL
      - New UX designed for Reports Module​
  •   8 Use cases of Auto OEM in Production
  • -> Large Telecom Implementation for Couple of Million Subscribers in Europe​
    -> Real Time Journey Analytics for a few Telecom Customers in Africa​
    -> Addition of 20+ more customers on Education Segment​
    -> Multiple large Integration deals with Technology Companies in various sectors​
    -> 5-year deal on Environment and Sustainability analytics for North European Company​
    -> Multiple deals with Multi billion $ SI partner​​
2022 (July)
BDB Release 7.5
  • Data Science Lab with Extensive Features​
      - Auto ML
      - Model as API
  • Business Metrics, Test Suite & new Connectors in Data Pipeline​
    1. - DBSync​
      - Failure Analytis feature​
      - Version Control
      - Stronger Migration features for Large Deployments​
  • Strong Data Virtualization Layer​
  • Support of Click house on Self Service module​
    1. - Adding Dissolution Chart with 7 Levels of Drill​​
  • Enhancements in Charting and overall Designers with Filters​
  •   Large Auto OEM deal on Connected Cars (millions) in Europe​ Production Deployment of 4 Modules by end of 2021
  • -> Deal on Demand Forecasting and other analytics
    with leading global Beverage Manufacturer

    -> Deals with partners building multiple solution
    ->Addition of 10+ more customers on Education Segment
    -> Journey Analytics Implementation in Couple of Telecom Customers​
2021 (February)
BDB Release 6.0
  • Release of Data Catalog and Data as API Features in Platform ​
  • Support of Mongo DB on Self Service Module
  • Addition of multiple new components in Data Pipeline to read data from real time, batch, micro batch​
  • Data Science Lab Development (Beta)​
  • Version Control in Dashboards​
  •   Partnership With Large SI's
  • -> Oil & Gas
    -> Reverse Retail
      - Markdown Solution
      - Travel Retail Solution
    ->Enhancement of Education Verticals
    -> Simulation Templates
2020 (February)
BDB Release 5.0
  • MDM
  • Simulation Grid
  • Write Back from Dashboards
  • Global Search
  • Partnership with 15+ Large SI's
  • Added customers in Telecom, Retail, University, Manufacturing, Automobiles
  •   Partnerships With Large SI's
  • -> Telecom
    -> Manufacturing
    -> Custom Analytic Journey
    -> Financial Services
    -> IOT & Edge Deployments
2019 (August)
BDB Release 4.5
  • Enhancement of All modules
  • Internationalization
  • Deployed for new Verticals
    1. -> Telecom
      -> Manufacturing
  • IOT/Edge Integration
  •   Deep learning Workbench (AI/ML)
  • -> Sentiment & Text Analytics
    -> Image/Video Analytics
    -> Customer Analytics Workflow
  •    AI Enabled Search
  •    -> Text Based Search
       -> Voice Based Search
  •    Enhancement of Dashboard Designer
  • -> Integration with Predictive
  •    Self-Service BI Enhancements
  • -> Integration with Predictive
2018 (December)
BDB Release 4.0
  • Completion of Data Wrangling
  • Data Pipeline (GA)
  • Data Preparation (GA)
  • Performance upgrade by 15%
  • Customers in Retail, Higher Ed, Entertainment& Media Segments
2018 (April)
BDB Release 3.5
  • Released Yujaa(Cloud Platform)
  • Started work on AI
  • Neural Networks
  • 10+ Partners
  •   ETL
  •   Self-Service BI
  •   Social Media Browser/ML
2017 (August)
BDB Release 3.0
  • 60 Customers
  • 6 Enterprise Customer
  • 2 Multi-million Deal
  • More than million Users
  •   Predictive Analysis
  •   Sentiment Analysis
  •   Survey
2016 (November)
BDB Release 2.5
  • 42 Customers
  • 1st Enterprise Customer multi-million $ license deal
2016 (February)
BDB Release 2.0
  • 38 SME Customers
  • 2 Enterprise Customers
  •   Micro-services based platform.
  •   Dashboard Designer.
2015 (October)
BDB Release 1.5
  • 30 SME Customers
2015 (July)
BDB Release 1.0
  • 20 SME Customers
2015 (January)
BDB Dashboard Designer
  • 1st Enterprise Contract